The Flying Duck Presents:
HUNG PARLIAMENT Hung Parliament / STOCK MANAGER stock manager / Sulka (Solo) Sulka
The anxiety swell which takes over your chest when opening your inbox to endless unread emails is as many know fairly overwhelming! However the feel good moment when you open that one email to discover a wee gem like Hung Parliament is like Gaviscon to the burn of messy weekend binge.
So with the arrival of Hung Parliament's 'Casio Chord' EP which contains bedroom pop music filled with drum machines, cheap beats, fuzzy guitars and intimate, indie shoe-gazing songwriting as low fi Te Radio Dept. and hi fi as Bleachers. Throw in some hip hop and flourishes from the Casio sound bank and we've got teenager influenced pop featuring post-teenage life ups and downs. This is a genre taste test with a DIY aesthetic to journey far .
Another future pop discovery is the excellent Stock Manager who hit the stadium heights and indie cool of Phoenix on their hat trick of self released singles this year. The three tracks which have (unknowingly) channelled the best of MTV's Classic '120 minutes' (the alternative music show the world desperately needs to be brought back!), and brings it up to date.
There is an undeniable Pixes-esque sound filtering through their rhythm section, with huge drums and low slung bass accompany sky scraping solos. This is paired with a modern US indie sound much tighter and boppier, and executed with vocals that flip from a hushed drawl with secret swagger to bouncy 80's pop of Nick Kershaw. Erratic excellence!
Sulka will perform a solo set of haunted bedroom pop songs which hint at Arab Strap and The National sharing dark memories under the stairs.
£6 on the door.
The Flying Duck is a safe space and promotes good vibes only.
We are unfortunately not wheelchair accessible.